ADAPTIVE Leaders / Leadership Team Programs & Offsite Workshops

  • High Performing Teams: Are you part of a great executive team that you think can be even better? We equip leadership teams to sift through ambiguity to solve the right problems and focus on the right things.
  • Healthy organizational culture: Is your executive team struggling to perform well? Building a healthy organizational culture involves fostering an environment where open communication, trust, and transparency are encouraged, enabling employees to feel valued and engaged.
  • Team Building retreats: Do you need help designing an effective team building retreat? A dedicated offsite retreat creates a unique environment where team members can strengthen relationships, improve communication, and foster collaboration.
  • Team Assessments: Are you looking for new ways to understand your team and maximize how you work together? We use industry leading tools, such as Patrick Lenicioni’s “The Working Genius”, to help teams thrive. Lencioni’s model categorizes individuals into six work-related personality types, helping teams understand their strengths and preferences for tasks like innovating, executing, and collaborating to improve productivity and job satisfaction.