Innovation & Strategy

Design A Better Strategy today

Adapt With It Tomorrow

Design A Better Strategy Today

Adapt With It Tomorrow

We don’t design your strategy: We facilitate a process where you redesign and align around your strategy.

  • What would it mean for you to have your team engaged and aligned around a clear strategy?
  • What if your strategy and people were ready to adapt and change with market conditions?
  • What if your strategy was a living breathing part of your daily work, not just a process that is out of date before you finish it?

"Strategy in itself is a creative act—understanding the world as it is and imagining possibilities for how we want it to be."


Design Thinking

Do you need someone outside your organization to help your teams identify solutions and pathways previously unseen? Our Design Thinking Advisors guide your team through a human-centered design process to better understand key stakeholders, then prototype and refine solutions that address core issues and opportunities.

Strategy Refresh

Is your company growing rapidly or facing a changing environment? Or does your past strategy no longer resonate with your core business? Our “Strategy Refresh” involves reevaluating your company's goals and market conditions, considering what adjustments are needed for your changing circumstances, and aligning your team around a roadmap with full team commitment. This process helps you rethink your holistic strategy including organizational values, vision, and mission. We help you create new possibilities and then bring them to life through your teams.

The FIMA Tool™ for Strategy Execution

How can you close the gap between your strategy initiatives and your actual performance? Fixing strategy-to-execution gaps involves aligning your organization's strategic goals with its operational actions to bridge the divide between planning and implementation. We help you leverage our proprietary process that includes measuring the right indicators, consistent communication and accountability rhythms, and adaptability to ensure that your organization effectively executes your strategic initiatives.

Lego Serious Play™

Are you looking for new ways to help your team solve problems? Unlock the imagination of your teams to find creative solutions and make decisions in a safe environment that grows teamwork and collaboration. Help your team grow alignment by utilizing their hands to communicate thoughts and emotions through lego builds. Our certified LSP instructors facilitate outcomes in fun ways that help teams rethink possibilities.

Strategy Solutions That Help You

Strategy Solutions that Help You


Identify strategic insights that focus your responses more closely to the needs of your customer.


Set yourself apart from the competition by being more creative, more adaptive, and more responsive.

Be You

Make changes that make you better while keeping the best of who you are and what you do today.

Move Faster

Address Adaptive challenges that keep most organizations from making the changes they need to make in order to successfully innovate and execute

We help you develop strategies that change as fast as your environment does - get started today!

More Solutions for TEAMS

Grow Healthy, Stay Healthy

Imagine your organization performing at its full potential.

One-Month Developmental Sprints®

This development framework has been utilized by over 230,000 leaders in 110 countries.


Super-charge your offsite strategic-team-building for lasting organizational impact.

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