Our Vision and Expertise

Our Story

Helping You Adapt to the Shifting Marketplace

Helping you adapt to the shifting marketplace

Adaptive Leaders was founded in the fast changing and growing market of Shanghai, China, in 2015 to help leaders and organizations accelerate growth and develop healthier leadership and teams.

From day one, Adaptive Leaders has been on your side, believing in your capacity, sharing in your dreams, and genuinely caring about you and your team.

Now, Adaptive Leaders has expanded to include coaches and consultants from diverse backgrounds across Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe.

Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. We genuinely trust and like each other, and your team will feel that and benefit from it!

Mike Burns
Adaptive Leaders - Founding Partner

Coaching + Advisory

Why You Need Both

As a coaching company, we care about you, your goals, and we believe in your capacity. We love to listen and prompt.

As an advisory company, we have real world experience to help you with strategy, people leadership, and impact. We won’t hold anything back that we think will help you grow.

Along the way, you’ll accelerate your growth and learning trajectory, becoming even more adaptive. Your investment in your own growth will yield a return for years to come.

Why You Need Both


Helping You Adapt to the Shifting Marketplace

Helping you adapt to the shifting marketplace

Just as we love collaboration within our team and with our clients, we have developed key partnerships over the years to collaborate on delivering best-in-class solutions to our customers:

  • First 90 Days® Transition Coaching and Acceleration Coaching with Genesis Advisers, based on the work of Harvard professor Michael Watkins

  • Developmental Sprint® and Growth Culture Indicator® with The Developmental Edge (TDE) rooted in the ground-breaking work of TDE Chief Knowledge Officers Dr. Robert Kegan & Dr. Lisa Lahey

Along the way, you’ll accelerate your growth and learning trajectory, becoming even more adaptive. Your investment in your own growth will yield a return for years to come. 

Our Core Values

Adapting to Our Fast Paced Marketplace

Adapting to our Fast Paced Marketplace

Being Adaptive is in our name. Readiness to change, learn, and grow (the same thing we empower our customers to do) is part of our DNA.


We pride ourselves in being intentional to really get to know our clients and their particular challenges and opportunities. We care about you and your team as people. Your success is our greatest success.


Our motto is: Live it to give it! We practice adaptive behaviors individually, with each other, and with our clients.


Change can be hard, but it can also be a lot of fun. Being Adaptive is all about changing for the need of the moment and the needs of the future. We innovate our programs for our clients, and we help our clients innovate new ways to achieve their most important goals.

Meet Our Team

Mike Burns

Founding Partner

Ray Chow

Managing Partner

- Coaches and Advisers -

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