
Performance LeadershipTM

A Human Centered Approach to Growing Performance

This is not Performance Management


Organizations need to unlock greater potential in their teams.


Employees need to understand how their motivations connect to their work.


Leaders need to adapt faster to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape.

Performance Leadership is a better way to connect your business goals with your teams' motivations in order to unlock their full potential

It is a human centered approach to get your people to bring the best of themselves to work.

Key Outcomes & Return on Investment

Leader Diagnostic Report

To provide each leader information about the performance environment they are creating as well as a tool to know where to focus improvements.

Motivational Profiles

Leaders receive a motivational profile for each of their team members to understand what drives their people and how to best motivate them.

Leader Performance

Leaders set clearer expectations that are connected to employee motivations, while also improving use of KPI’s and accountability.

Team Performance

Team members sense greater clarity, care and connection with their leaders unlocking more of their energy and potential towards business goals.

The Performance LeadershipTM Model: EMMA

The Four Levers

In our work with Fortune 500 companies, we’ve seen dramatic results when leaders focus on these 4 levers of performance leadership: EMMA.


Missing or undervaluing even one of them breaks the whole system and leads to teams and leaders suffering from loss of direction and/or a disconnect between what they’re doing and what the organization needs.

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Performance LeadershipTM Diagnostic Report

Motivations & Measurements

Each participant will receive a summary of how direct reports perceive their current performance leadership. Specific feedback will be given in each of the following 4 areas:


Provides participants with a list of the top 5 motivations for each of their direct reports by name Participants use the reports to customize their approach for each team member

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Motivational Profiles

Team Motivations Profile Report

Each Participant will receive a list of the top 5 motivations for each of their direct reports by name.

Participants use the reports to customize their approach for each team member.

PERFORMANCE Leadership Program Overview


1. Survey direct reports of participants

20 minute per person

One Month Program

2. Facilitator-led group coaching Workshop

2-Day Launch Workshop

3. Peer Coaching Groups

1 hour per week for 3 weeks

4. Virtual Closing Workship

1 Hour debrief

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More ADAPTIVE Solutions


Super-charge your Offsite Strategic Team-building for Lasting Organizational Impact

One-Month Developmental Sprints®

This development framework has been utilized by over 230,000 leaders in 110 countries.

Innovation & Strategy

Has your team developed innovative strategies that change as fast as your environment does?

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